Dancing with butterflies: Terra Trellis in Natural History Museum exhibit

Hundreds of brightly colored butterflies flutter all around, looping through the air and alighting on inviting plants and flowers inside the Butterfly Pavilion at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History. People of all ages and walks of life are equally fascinated (and captivated) as they wander through the recurring and immersive exhibit—which now houses four of our arbors and trellises!

TerraTrellis featured in Garden Design Magazine: great ideas for edible gardens!

Garden Design Magazine cover TerraTrellis

There is a must-read article in the May issue of Garden Design Magazine for anyone interested in successfully growing edibles: Up in the Air: Arbors, Trellises and the Edible Garden.  The story, which features TerraTrellis, explores how trellises, arbors and garden tuteurs are essential in creating beautiful, plentiful edible gardens - especially those with sprawling, twining or climbing plants that do well going vertical.