Horticulture, art, design, music, fashion, food and drink. These "best things in life" intersect in a life well-lived, right? They also happen to intersect online, in the wonderfully inspiring blog The Horticult. This beautifully presented site is the creation of the horticulturally-hip and sartorially-savvy couple Chantal Aida Gordon and Ryan Benoit. As they put it:
The Horticult is where we experiment with our space — and also crash other people’s gardens and get inspired. It’s a place where we eat, drink and loosen rootballs, where flora, fauna and culture intersect in unexpected ways.
We were lucky enough to be recently featured in The Horticult and thrilled (but not at all surprised) when just a few weeks later, Chantal and Ryan were discovered in A BIG WAY by the New York Times (see the three page feature Marriage is Yard Work in the Home & Garden section).
Ryan's own design skills are as impressive as Chantal's writing and interviewing talents. Check out Ryan's website Ryan Benoit Design and Chantal's own site ChantalGordon.com to see what we're talking about.
The curiosities Chantal and Ryan explore on The Horticult are influenced by their shared obsession with design and horticulture....and passion for living the good life. We look forward to seeing more of their adventures blossom on The Horticult!
photos by Ryan Benoit